Dojo Etiquette

Aikido is a traditional Japanese martial art, which comes with some expectations of etiquette. We consider these guidelines to be part of the training itself, to cultivate an environment of focus and discipline. When we adhere to these guidelines, we all benefit from a space where respect, hygiene and safety are at the forefront of our training.

Please take a moment to read over some of our points of etiquette. If unsure, copy those around you, or ask a senior member. It may seem a lot to remember at first, but over time it will become second nature.

Dojo Etiquette
Punctuality. Arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of the lesson. This allows you time to get properly dressed and in the right mindset for training. Latecomers may not be allowed to participate. If you are late, wait in seiza (kneeling) at the edge of the mat until the instructor signals for you to join.
Respect the practice space. Bow when entering and leaving the training hall of the dojo. Help to set up before and pack away after class, it is everyone's responsibility to leave the practice space as we found it.
No shoes inside the dojo main hall. Leave these in the entrance hall with your belongings.
You may stretch quietly until the signal for the beginning of the lesson. Bow when entering and leaving the mat. Do not leave the mat during practice except in the case of injury or illness. In such cases, notify the instructor of your situation first.
It is not appropriate to address the instructors only by their first name in a training environment. In the dojo, you should address each teacher as "Sensei".
At the start of class, we say "Onegai Shimasu". At the end of class we say thank you with "Domo arigato gozaimashita".
Aikido training requires close physical contact. Please keep personal hygiene in mind. Train in a clean gi (uniform) every day. Toenails and fingernails must be kept short for safety. All jewellery and other accessories must be removed.
It is not appropriate to talk or ask questions whilst the instructor is demonstrating. Sit in seiza and learn by watching. You may ask the instructor questions when approached.
Respect the hierarchy of experience by refraining from correcting fellow practitioners who have been training longer than you. Instruction should primarily come from the instructors and senior practitioners, particularly those with the rank of Yudansha (1st degree black belt and above). Understand that your experience may not fully encompass the nuances of the exercise or technique being practiced.
Do not walk in between or behind people who are practising. Be aware of space at all times. This is a matter of safety.
Once you are familiar with the dojo etiquette, assist newcomers and visitors in understanding it, as they may not be aware of the expectations.
Remember to use the booking system to sign up and remove your name for classes. Please get in touch with Michi, or the instructors if any issues, or you missed the sign up deadline but would still like to train.
Pay your fees in a timely manner.

St Matthew's Church Hall, North Common Road, Ealing W5 3QA (no mail by post)



6:30pm-7pm: Zazen

7:10pm-7:30pm Aikido (Adults)


6:30pm-7:30pm: Aikido (Adults & under 18s)

7:30pm-8:30pm: Weapons


6:30pm-7:30pm: Aikido (Adults & under 18s)

7:30pm-8:30pm: Aikido (Adults)